A. Additional sessions and the vendor hall will open after the keynote session on Friday and Saturday morning.
A. You will enter the front lobby entrance of the Bowers Center for Sports Fitness and Wellness of Elizabethtown College. If you pre-registered online prior to the deadline you will receive your registration packet and convention bag upon entrance. After confirming that the entrance wristbands match your registration, you will make sure each family member puts his or her wristband on and wears it for the duration of the weekend. If you registered online after the deadline, or you need to register at the door, registration volunteers will be there to assist you.
Replacement wristbands can be secured for a nominal fee at the convention. Proof of registration will be required.
A. CHAP will offer “shopping-only passes”.
- Early Bird: Individual/$35 (valid 3/1/2025 - 3/31/2025)
- Regular Price: Individual/$40 (valid 4/1/2025 - 5/31/2025)
- At the Door: $45
YES! CHAP will have a graduation ceremony on Friday evening. We will also be awarding the Leigh A. Genasevich Memorial Scholarship to 2 seniors who are planning to further their formal education. Join us to celebrate!
- Small, carry-on sized pilot bags with a retractable handle
- Small milk crate with a retractable handle
- Large strollers without any children in them
- Full-sized suitcases on wheels
- Large pull-behind wagons
A. CHAP does not provide babysitting at the convention. While CHAP's goal is to primarily provide a learning time for the teaching parents, we have not had a children's program for several years. Presently CHAP does not have a Children's Program Coordinator, so at this point there will be no children's program in 2024. If the Lord would have us run a children's program in the future we are trusting Him to raise up a volunteer coordinator. Please note that at all times parents are responsible for their children.
A. CHAP loves families and is pleased to be able to provide a nursing mother's room for our new moms' convenience and our newest little homeschoolers' needs. Only very young children may accompany their mother into the Nursing Mother's Room. Please refer to the Convention Program upon arrival for location.
A. Yes, CHAP is pleased to provide a one-on-one homeschooling mentor with whom you can sit down at the CHAP Booth. It is our pleasure to help you in any way we can with your homeschooling questions.
A. Prayer is an integral part of CHAP. Our predominantly volunteer-run organization depends on prayer for direction and provision. We’re all homeschooling families as well (with many struggles too), and we know how important prayer is in our own lives. Please find the Prayer Booth location listed in the Convention Program. A CHAP volunteer staff person will count it a blessing to be able to take time to pray with you, joining you in praise and petition as you boldly approach the throne of grace to find help (and hope) in time of need. If you would just like to drop off a prayer request in the prayer box, you may pick up an index card and write your prayer down. Someone will be praying during the whole convention for you. The convention committee also prays for your requests after the convention is over.
A. Unlike most other conventions, CHAP has instituted and maintained the generous policy of providing registration rebates (provided at the Early Bird rate) for those who volunteer just a few hours out of the whole convention. Did you know that, to keep your costs down, CHAP is primarily volunteer-run? Find more information under Volunteers.
A. Solicitation or distribution of materials, polling, or interviewing is prohibited at Elizabethtown College during the CHAP Homeschool Convention. Any general attendee in violation will be asked to cease and desist. If violation continues, he or she will be asked to leave.
We understand that life events happen that are out of your control. Upon receiving a written request by emailing convention@chaponline.com or by post to the CHAP office prior to June 30th, CHAP will issue a refund minus a nominal administrative fee of $10.00. After June 30th no refunds will be made.
CHAP Office
610 Lansvale St
Marysville, PA 17053
A. Because sessions are professionally recorded, personal audio or video recording is prohibited. Sessions are professionally recorded in order to provide you with:
- top sound quality and
- online availability for years to come
While you are sitting in one session listening to a favorite speaker, your phone or tablet can be downloading a previous session. If you purchase your recordings up through convention weekend each recording costs only $3.75. Please refer to the ad in the Convention Program for Alliance Recordings. For more information or to get help downloading your sessions, stop by the recording kiosk. A friendly volunteer will be happy to assist you.
A.Yes, each family will receive one Give-Away Card for each day at the convention.
- Visit the vendor booths on back and have them punch your card. After visiting all the vendors turn in your card at the CHAP Booth by 2pm Saturday. Card will only be validated for adults.
- Card must be turned in by 2pm Saturday at the CHAP Booth. Winners will be posted at the CHAP Booth by 2:45pm on Saturday. One name will be randomly chosen for each prize. Winner must be available to pick up his or her prize at the CHAP Booth after 2:45pm Saturday.
- CHAP and homeschool vendors want to tangibly thank you for this mutually beneficial relationship by providing you with great prizes again this year. Visit the vendors listed on the back, learn about their resource, and have your card punched. After each listed vendor has punched your card, you will be eligible to win one of many great prizes!
A. Yes, there are several benefits to purchasing your resources in CHAP’s vendor hall.
- On-site purchases save you money since many vendors offer convention specials or discounts
- You get to avoid the cost of shipping and handling
- You give the vendors reasons to continue investing their time and resources into your convention (many travel from several states away to share their resources with you and answer your questions face to face).
A. CHAP values your feedback. Please share your thoughts with us so that we may continue to bring an event to you that both honors the Lord and ministers to our families with excellence. We encourage you to fill out your post-convention evaluation, and as always, you can contact CHAP by email at conv.coord@chaponline.com.
A. CHAP wants our future attendees and vendors to get an idea of what our convention is all about, so a professional photographer/videographer may be taking pictures. When you enter the CHAP Homeschool Convention you will be entering an area where photography, videography, and/or audio recording may occur. By entering the event premises you consent to video and/or audio recording, or photography and the release, publication, reproduction, or exhibition of the same for the purposes of print, online, or on-air advertising or any other purpose as required by CHAP, its affiliates, or representatives. You release CHAP, its officers, employees, or any representative involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publicizing of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/or audio recordings. By entering the premises you also waive all rights you may have to any claims for payment or royalties in connection with any exhibition, streaming, webcasting, televising, or any other publication of these materials regardless of the purpose or sponsoring of such exhibiting, broadcasting, webcasting, or other publication irrespective of whether a fee for admission or sponsorship is charged. You also waive any right to inspect or approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken by CHAP or any CHAP-designee.