CHAP is primarily a volunteer led organization; simply put, a group of families helping families. The convention is successful because of our volunteers. God calls us all to serve in some capacity. Please be praying if part of your service would include the CHAP Convention. All volunteer positions are easy to learn and many can be completed in just a little over 3 hours. Viewing all the positions below, you're bound to find several that are a good fit for how God has uniquely equipped you!
CHAP expresses appreciation of our volunteers by providing a rebate of the Early Bird convention registration rate. You will receive your rebate check at the completion of your shift.
Positions fill quickly, so register for the convention and then sign up as soon as possible in order to get your preferred job.
Browse our volunteer positions below, or check out our Volunteer FAQs for more information!
CHAP Lounge Monitor - Supervisor: Volunteer Coordinator
This job is covering the entrance to the lounge areas that provides a rest area for only CHAP staff (including Super Volunteers), Speakers, and Vendors.
- Volunteer will be monitoring the entrance to the CHAP lounge, politely turning away those who are not permitted in.
- Collect tickets for meals (only Staff, SV's, and Speakers will have lunch tickets)
- Place lunch tickets into labeled envelope and turn into the Volunteer or Speaker Booth at end of shift. DO NOT dispose of them.
- Maintain neatness of CHAP lounge.
What kind of activity does this job require? Door Monitor -mostly sitting. There are times of low traffic during this job and you may want to bring a book or knitting to fill those moments.
Floater - Supervisor: Volunteer Coordinator
Willingness to be the hands and feet of Jesus in serving the Homeschool community wherever assigned.
What kind of activity does this job require? Flexibility, cheerful demeanor, and servant attitude.
Information Booth - Supervisor: Jeremy and Sara Madden
Field general questions or concerns from attendees such as:
- locations of activities and rooms at the college
- reporting of "lost parents" (and temporary supervision of a lost child)
- drop-offs for Lost and Found items
- reporting anything of a general safety concern involving facilities, items, or people
Parking Lot and Site Assistants - Supervisor: Seth Fogie
Report to Volunteer Booth to sign in, check assignment, and pick up volunteer ribbon. Report to Information Booth for training. Your duties may include some or all of the following:
- Direct people entering the college to the different parking lots availble
- Direct people to the different buildings for registering, speaker sessions, and vendors
- Watch the incoming individuals during the Convention at the Convention Hall entrances and vendor entrance doors to ensure that they have name tags and/or wrist bands.
- Monitor entrance of speakers & vendors in limited access areas
- Be familiar with site layout
- Make sure proper doors remain closed.
- Provide assistance to sound/recording crews as necessary.
- Provide assistance to vendors with mechanical/electrical problems (by just reporting to Information Booth).
- Provide assistance when spills or rain problems occur.
- Report problems to the supervisor immediately.
Please note: Shifts overlap 15 mins for training. Thank you.
Tear-Down Crew for Convention - Supervisor: Jeremy Madden
- Take down tables, signs, registration area, collect mats, gather left over materials, etc.
- Stack chairs.
- Assist vendors/speakers as needed.
- Load CHAP truck.
Prayer Booth Attendant - Supervisors: Peter and Angela Fecteau
- Attend the prayer booth, being available to pray for requests as they are received and pray with individuals who might stop by.
- Pray specifically for the convention, the speakers, the vendors and the attendees.
What will be provided: a booth with chairs, a box for prayer requests, tissue box, and cards for people to write prayer and praises on.
What kind of activity does this job require? Sitting and praying; listening to those that come in to pray or praying with them.
Pre-convention Preparation Crew - Supervisor: Steve Wayde
- The work location is scheduled to be at Elizabethtown College.
- This job involves working as a team placing name labels on envelopes, placing the proper wristbands in envelopes for each pre-registered family, and alphabetizing the pre-registered attendee envelopes.
- Volunteers must be adults or teens who are adept at alphabetizing and working with numbers.
Set Up Crew - Supervisor: Steve Wayde
This job is suitable for Teens and Adults. (NOTE: This is for general convention set up)
- Set up chairs, tables, registration area, etc.
- Hang signs.
- Assist vendors/speakers as needed.
Pre-Registered Attendee Table - Supervisor: Volunteer Coordinator
This job is suitable for teens 16 and 17 as well as adults.
Specific training will be given at the beginning of each shift.
Shifts begin 15 minutes before other shifts and overlap for training.
Your job may include:
- Distribute pre-registered envelopes with wristbands
- Give directions for pre-registered and walk-in attendees.
What kind of activity does this job require? Ability to find alphabetically organized envelopes and a welcoming smile.
Room Host/Hostesses for Speaker sessions - Supervisor: Volunteer Coordinator
This job is suitable for Teens and Adults!
- Come to Volunteer Booth 15 minutes prior to scheduled session.
- Highlight your name on the sign-in sheets and get Volunteer Ribbon.
- Pick up a clip board with Host/Hostess Monitor Evaluation Sheets for the seminar.
- Greet guests, asking to see their wristband or name tag.
- Help with seating if necessary. Ask people to fill in seating as room becomes crowded.
- If there are problems with the room or the sound system, please text or call Volunteer Coordinator (number will be provided).
- Complete an evaluation form for each session and turn them into the volunteer booth at the end of your shift.
- Instructions will be provided for introducing the workshop. As session progresses, keep watch on the time and use the flip chart to hold up so the speaker can see it at 15mins, 10 mins, 5mins and Stop. This allows the next speaker time to get set up.
- If anyone asks about speaker's handouts, they are available online at conv.chaponline.com under speaker handouts.
- Please remove the speaker's water bottle after each session.
- Please seat yourself near the back of the room so you can watch the group and so the supervisor can get to you if need be.
What Volunteer can expect: to be at all sessions during job time assignment.
What will be provided: (pick these things up at Volunteer Booth when you sign in)
- Clipboard with evaluation sheets to be filled out by you for each session.
- A phone number to use for communicating with Supervisor for any sound or lighting problems.
What kind of activity does this job require? Introducing the speaker, sitting and listening (some standing or walking to retrieve used water bottles & possibly seat people) Watch that room does not exceed capacity and that people are not standing in the doorways or aisles unnecessarily. Room host is welcome to, and encouraged to, bring a notebook to take personal notes of speaker sessions.
Vendor Check-in - Supervisor: Bill Day
Report to Volunteer Booth to sign-in and pick up volunteer ribbon. Duties include:
- Check-in vendors that enter the convention.
- Provide them with their booth number(s) and best door number to unload at.
- Have list of booth numbers and map on hand to give clear instructions to vendors to their booth location.
- Hand out Convention Programs, (one per booth) and know where vendor hall map is located for them to use.
- Volunteers will graciously urge vendors with large vehicles to unload quickly in order to leave room for other vehicles to enter the unloading area.
What Volunteer can expect: To be at job 15 minutes before hand to receive any instructions from the previous volunteer. There will be a special table marked "Vendor Check-In". This job will require sitting and standing. This job will require an outgoing individual who is able to maintain a pleasant demeanor even under pressure.
Volunteer Check-in - Supervisor: Volunteer Coordinator
Manage volunteers:
- Check-in volunteers and give volunteer ribbon
- Provide duty description
- Direct volunteer to assigned location
- Receive requests for additional volunteers
- Direct floaters to areas needing additional volunteers
- Collect volunteer ribbons at end of volunteer shift
- Hand out Super Volunteer envelopes
- Collect volunteer feedback forms
Walk-in Registration Table - Supervisor: Mary Clark
Shifts overlap 15 minutes for training. You will receive training at the start of your shift on credit card transactions.
Your job may include:
- Give directions for pre-registered and walk-in attendees.
- Distribute wristbands and remind people to keep them for the entire convention
- Volunteer needs to be comfortable with both CASH, CHECK, and CREDIT CARD